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Multi-echo fMRI in practice

Laird AR, HBM (2020).

As part of the OHBM 2020 Symposium, “Two is Better than One (and Many are Better): Multi-echo fMRI methods and applications”, Dr. Laird gave this presentation virtually.


This presentation will provide a practical discussion of why and how researchers may choose to implement multi-echo research in their fMRI studies. From the perspective of an exemplar cognitive neuroscience laboratory, Dr. Laird will discuss how multi-echo fMRI was deemed to be useful for a new dense sampling study in her lab, what was involved in designing and collecting multi-echo fMRI, and what additional factors were considered when planning that study. Study data will be presented to demonstrate the benefits of using multi-echo fMRI and the excellent quality of results, along with recommendations for how other labs might approach adding multi-echo fMRI to their own research projects.